【断層映像研究会雑誌 第33巻 第1号  2006年3月】

・副鼻腔アスペルギルス症のMRI〜慢性副鼻腔炎との鑑別・加療についての考察  吉田 敦子、他
・男性プロラクチノーマの画像所見  稲田 悠紀、他







吉田 敦子1)、浦部 真平2)、石川 浩男3)、小野 伸高4)、宍戸 文男1)

1)福島県立医科大学医学部 放射線科
2)白河厚生総合病院 放射線科
3)白河厚生総合病院 耳鼻咽喉科
4)白河厚生総合病院 病理検査室

MR Imaging of Paranasal Sinus Aspergillosis:
Differential Diagnosis of Chronic Sinusitis and Therapy

Atsuko Yoshida1), Shimpei Urabe2), Hiroo Ishikawa3), Nobutaka Ono4), Fumio Shishido1)

1)Department of Radiology, Fukushima Medical University
2)Department of Radiology, Shirakawa Kosei General Hospital
3)Department of Otolaryngology, Shirakawa Kosei General Hospital
4)Department of Pathology, Shirakawa Kosei General Hospital


 The incidence of paranasal sinus mycosis has been increasing in recent years. In invasive type, it progresses orbit and brain, thus, it is important to be diagnosed and treated promptly. We reviewed retrospectively the imaging findings, CT and MR, in 4 patients with paranasal sinus aspergillosis diagnosed pathologically. On all patients, T1- and T2-weighted images demonstrated hypo-intense signals, and signal-void areas in the T2-weighted images. Signal-void areas, the presence of manganese and iron produced by fungus, are thought to be highly specific for aspergillosis. But these are also observed in chronic secretions and acute clotted hemorrhage. In our study, in the case of acute hemorrhage in chronic sinusitis, it was difficult to differentiate from aspergillosis. If, in patients with chronic sinusitis, signal-void areas in T2-weighted images are observed, concurrent aspergillosis should be suspected and further surgical intervention should be considered. MR findings are very useful to diagnose aspergillosis and consider further surgical intervention in patients with chronic sinusitis.

Key words:
paranasal sinus aspergillosis, magnetic resonance imaging, chronic sinusitis








稲田 悠紀1)、松木 充1)、金本 高明1)、立神 史稔1)、可児 弘行1)、
谷掛 雅人1)、楢林 勇1)、黒岩 敏彦2)

1)大阪医科大学 放射線医学教室
2) 同 脳神経外科学教室

Imaging of Male Prolactinoma

Yuki Inada1), Mitsuru Matsuki1), Takaaki Kanamoto1), Fuminari Tatsugami1), Hiroyuki Kani1),  Masato Tanikake1), Isamu Narabayashi1), Toshihiko Kuroiwa2)

1)Department of Radiology, Osaka Medical College
2)Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka Medical College


 Prolactinamas in male patients have few hormonal symptoms such as galactorrhoea and hypogonadism. When they are found, they present as macroadenomas with invasive growth. Prolactinamas in male patients are  difficult to diagnose. We mainly discuss the MR features of seven prolactinomas in male, and analysed the diagnostic features.

Key words:
prolactinoma, male, magnetic resonance imaging, pituitary adenoma




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