頸動脈のCTAにおける造影剤濃度(300 mgI/mLと370 mgI/mL)の比較検討
天神 美穂、土屋 一洋、立石 秀勝、吉田 真衣子、大原 有紗、似鳥 俊明
杏林大学医学部 放射線医学教室
Comparative study of difference in concentration of contrast medium
(300 mgI/mL vs. 370 mgI/mL)in CT angiography of the carotid artery
Miho Amagami, M.D.,Kazuhiro Tsuchiya, M.D.,Hidekatsu Tateishi, M.D.,Maiko Yoshida, M.D.,
Arissa Ohara, M.D.,Toshiaki Nitatori, M.D.
Department of Radiology, Kyorin University School of Medicine
【目的】頸動脈のCTAでは頸動脈と脊椎および内頸静脈との重なりがしばしば障害となるが、これらの重なりをより少なくするためには頸動脈自体の吸収値を高くし、また動静脈相互の吸収値の差を大きくすることが有効と考えられ、我々はこれらの点で従来一般に用いられている300 mgI/mLの造影剤に比し370 mgI/mLが有利と推論しこれを検証した。
【対象・方法】頸動脈の狭窄性病変の評価のためCTAを依頼された計18名の患者(58-83歳、平均67.6歳、男性12名、女性6名)において300 mgI/mLと370 mgI/mLを交互に各9名で用いた。CTAは16列のMDCTにてヘリカルピッチ15、0.5 mm厚、再構成間隔0.3 mmとし、大動脈弓に関心領域を置き閾値130 H.U.に設定してスキャンを開始するReal Prep法を用いた。造影剤は自動注入器で計100 mlを全例右肘静脈から注入した。得られた元画像で、左右の頸動脈分岐直下の総頸動脈と内頸静脈に関心領域を設定して吸収値を計測した。また視覚的に最終画像で内頸静脈の描出の点数化(最低0〜最良3)を行った。
【結果】総頸動脈の吸収値(H.U.)は300 mgI/mLと370 mgI/mLで右側328と488、左側331と488でありいずれも有意(P<0.01)に370 mgI/mLが高値であった。両側での総頸動脈と内頸静脈の吸収値の差(H.U.)は300 mgI/mLと370 mgI/mLで169と306で、370 mgI/mLにおいて有意(P<0.01)に大きかった。CTA画像の視覚評価は300 mgI/mLと370 mgI/mLで1.72と2.17で、後者で内頸静脈との重なりが軽度であった。
【結論】内頸静脈の重なりを軽度にした良好な頸部CTAを得るには、370 mgI/mLの造影剤が300 mgI/mLに比して優れている。
【Purpose】 In CT angiography (CTA) of the carotid artery (CA), the CA is not infrequently overlapped by the internal jugular vein (IJV). We hypothesized that higher iodine concentration in contrast material would raise the attenuation value of CA and increase a difference in attenuation value between the CA and the IJV resulting in decrease of the overlap of the two vessels. In this regard, we supposed that contrast material of 370 mgI/mL was more advantageous than that of 300 mgI/mL which we had used.
【Objects and Methods】 We employed contrast material of 300 mgI/mL and 370mgI/mL in 18 patients referred for CTA of the CA. They were alternately assigned to one of two patient groups that received contrast material of higher (370 mgI/mL, nine patients, group A) or standard (300 mgI/mL, nine patients, group B) iodine concentration. CT angiography was performed using a 16-detector row helical system with scanning parameters as follows: pitch, 15; collimation, 0.5 mm; and reconstruction interval, 0.3 mm.
We started scanning when the attenuation of a region of interest (ROI) placed in the aortic arch reached 130 H.U. We injected contrast material of 100mL in total in the right antecubital vein using a power injector at a speed 3 mL/sec. On source images, we placed an ROI in the common CA and the IJV of both sides just below the carotid bifurcation and measured the attenuation values of the ROIs. In addition, on final images, we visually evaluated the degree of demonstration of the internal jugular vein. (worst, 0 to best, 3).
【Results】 Attenuation of the common CA, which is directly correlated with visualization of the CA and its branches, was significantly higher in group A than in group B on both sides. The difference in attenuation between the common CA and IJV, which greatly affects how easily and well the IJV is deleted in postprocessing, was significantly larger in group A than in group B again on both sides.
On visual assessment, the IJV overlapped less the CCA in group A than in group B.
【Conclusion】 Higher iodine concentration (370 mgI/mL) yields better image quality than standard concentration (300 mgI/mL) in cervical CT angiography.
Key words:
CT angiography, carotid artery, concentration, contrast medium