【断層映像研究会雑誌 第34巻 第1号  2007年4月】

 Guest Editor:小川 敏英(鳥取大学医学部病態解析医学講座医用放射線学分野
・3T MRIにおける3D time-of-flight MR angiography―基礎的検討と臨床経験 掛田 伸吾、他
・中枢神経領域におけるMRSの応用 原田 雅史
・3.0 Tでの脳灌流MRI 菊池 恵一、他
・神経メラニンMRIの基礎と臨床応用 柴田 恵理、他
・中枢神経領域におけるSusceptibility-weighted imagingの有用性 杉原 修司、他
・3T MRI を用いた拡散テンソル画像 岡田 務、他

・画像診断における放射線被曝―発がん影響をどのように理解するか?−[そのI] 佐々木 武仁
    連続講座:断層映像法の基礎 第21回 
・相互情報量による2次元画像の位置合わせ 篠原 広行、他





3T MRIにおける3D time-of-flight MR angiography―基礎的検討と臨床経験

掛田 伸吾、興梠 征典、佐藤 徹1)、肥合 康弘2)


Time-of-flight MR angiography at 3T MRI―experimental testing and clinical experience

Shingo Kakeda, Yukunori Korogi, Toru Sato 1), Yasuhiro Hiai 2)

1) Department of Radiology, University of Occupational and Environmental Health School of Medicine
2) Department of Course of Radiological Sciences, Kumamoto University School of Health Sciences

 3T MRIでは1.5Tに比し、S/N比とinflow効果の増強により3D time-of-flight (TOF) MRAの画質が向上する。すでにいくつかの3T臨床研究の結果が報告されているが、模擬脳動脈瘤ファントムを用い1.5Tと3Tを比較した我々の実験でも3T MRAによる脳動脈瘤の描出能向上が確認され、パラレルイメージングを併用しても画質の低下なく撮像時間が短縮できた。さらに脳動脈瘤プラチナコイル塞栓術後についてファントムで比較したところ、TE を適切に設定した3Tの方が術後評価に優れていた。

 In regard to 3D time-of-flight (TOF) MRA, the 3T system offers some potential advantages compared to 1.5T system. The approximate doubling of signal-to-noise ratio from 1.5 to 3T can provide the higher spatial resolution and the increased T1 relaxation time at higher magnetic field strength yields improvement of vessel-tissue contrast at 3T imaging.  We compared 3D TOF MRA at 3T with that at 1.5T for image quality by using a vascular phantom with pulsatile flow. Our results demonstrated that, the 3T system, which allowed shorter acquisition time while maintaining the higher spatial resolution with the use of parallel imaging techniques, seemed more appropriate for the evaluation of the simulated intracranial aneurysms than 1.5T system. In addition, high spatial resolution 3D TOF MRA at 3T with a short TE appears to be an excellent tool for the depiction of residual flows in the aneurysms embolized with platinum coils.

Key words :
time-of-flight MR angiography; 3T MRI; aneurysm; platinum coil; high-spatial-resolution MR angiography; phantom study








原田 雅史


Clinical Application of MRS at 3T for Diagnosis of Central Nervous System

Masafumi Harada,MD

Department of Radiologic Technology, School of Medicine, University of Tokushima,


 The main characteristics of high magnetic field for MR signals are increase of signal/noise ratio, high frequency resolution and increase of susceptibility effect. The last one is disadvantage to MR spectroscopy due to turbulence of magnetic field homogeneity leading difficulty of localized shimming, but the others are effective as advantage for measurement of MR spectroscopy. Owing to the increase of magnetic filed strength, the quality of MRS is more improved than at 1.5 T and this will cause shortening measurement time and/or increasing spatial resolution. In the clinical setting, the improvement of MRS quality and shortening measurement time will make metabolites mapping one of the routine MRI applications for patients in addition to the expectation of increasing accuracy and reproducibility for clinical patients' MRS data. It is hoped that the usefulness and usage of MRS should be re-evaluated for the clinical setting at 3T.

Key words :
MRS, MRI, CNS, 3T, susceptibility







3.0 Tでの脳灌流MRI

菊池 恵一、桐山 郁子、三木 均 1)、高橋 志津江 2)、貞本 和彦 3)

1)愛媛大学医学部 放射線科
和昌会貞本病院 2)放射線科 3)脳神経外科

Perfusion weighted image on 3.0 T MRI

Keiichi Kikuchi, Ikuko Kiriyama, Hitoshi Miki 1), Shizue Takahashi 2), Kazuhiko Sadamoto 3)

1) Department of Radiology, Ehime University School of Medicine
Department of 2) Radiology, 3) Neurological Surgery, Washokai Sadamoto Hospital


 Recently, a new 3.0 T MRI scanner is emerging in Japan, with the associated higher signal-to-noise ratio, longer T1 relaxation times, and larger R2* changes, and brain perfusion imaging is expected to use widely in clinical setting. In this article, methodological developments of MR perfusion imaging are described briefly, and advantages and limitations are introduced.

Key words
MRI, brain perfusion








柴田 恵理 1),2)、佐々木 真理 1)

岩手医科大学 1)放射線科、2)神経精神科

Neuromelanin Magnetic Resonance Imaging:Technique and Clinical Applications

Eri Shibata 1)2), Makoto Sasaki 1)

Department of 1) Radiology, 2) Neuropsychiatry, Iwate Medical University

 神経メラニンは常磁性体であるが、従来のMRIでは描出困難であった。3 Tesla MRIでは、黒質緻密部や青斑核における神経メラニン由来のコントラストが初めて捉えられるようになった。Parkinson病では黒質緻密部、青斑核の有意な信号低下が認められ、病理学的に知られているこれらの神経核の変性を反映する所見と考えられた。うつ病では青斑核吻側2/3の有意な信号低下を認め、モノアミン仮説を支持する上行性ノルアドレナリン系の機能異常を示唆する所見と考えられた。神経メラニンMRIはカテコルアミン系の機能形態評価に有望と考えられ、種々の神経変性疾患、精神疾患への応用が今後さらに期待される。

Neuromelanin MRI performed using an FSE technique at 3T can enable the direct visualization of the substantia nigra pars compacta(SNc)and locus ceruleus(LC)and their changes. In Parkinson’s disease, the signal intensities of the SNc and LC are significantly decreased; this reflects a neuronal loss in these nuclei. In depression, the signal intensities of the rostral and middle parts of the LC are reduced; this suggests a dysfunction in the ascending noradrenergic system that is believed to be related to the pathogenesis of depression. Neuromelanin imaging appears to be a promising technique for the assessment of disorders that affect the SNc and LC and of those caused by the dysfunction of the dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems.

Key words
substantia nigra, locus ceruleus, neuromelanin, Parkinson’s disease,







中枢神経領域におけるSusceptibility-weighted imagingの有用性

杉原 修司、金崎 佳子、藤井 進也、松末 英司、小川 敏英

鳥取大学医学部病態解析医学講座 医用放射線学分野

Efficacy of susceptibility-weighted imaging in clinical neuroimaging

Shuji Sugihara, Yoshiko Kanasaki, Shinya Fujii, Eiji Matsusue, Toshihide Ogawa

Division of Radiology, Department of Pathophysiological and Therapeutic Science, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University.

 Susceptibility-weighted imaging(SWI)は血管内血液の酸素飽和度変化、あるいは出血・鉄沈着を鋭敏に捉えることが可能となる撮像方法である。3TMRI装置の特徴の一つは磁化率変化がより鋭敏となって現れることである。従って、SWIは超高磁場MRI装置の特徴を十分に発揮しうる撮像方法といえる。本稿では中枢神経領域におけるSWIの有用性について解説した。

 Susceptibility-weighted imaging(SWI)is sensitive to changes of oxygenation level of blood, blood products and changes of iron content.  The susceptibility effect is more sensitive at high field strength MR system.  Therefore, SWI is considered to be the useful method that the characteristic feature at high filed strength can fully be demonstrated.  We explained the efficacy of SWI in clinical neuroimaging in this article.

Key words
MRI, susceptibility effect, blood oxygen level dependence, hemorrhage







3T MRI を用いた拡散テンソル画像

岡田 務、三木 幸雄、山本 憲 1)、伏見 育崇、森 暢幸、富樫 かおり

京都大学大学院医学研究科 放射線医学講座(画像診断学・核医学)

Diffusion tensor neuroimaging using 3T MRI

Tsutomu Okada, Yukio Miki, Akira Yamamoto 1),
Yasutaka Fushimi, Nobuyuki Mori and Kaori Togashi

Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine,
Kyoto University 1)Department of Radiology, Kyoto City Hospital

 拡散テンソル画像は水分子の運動異方性を画像化することができる。脳白質は拡散異方性が高く、最も水分子が運動しやすい方向に線維束の走行が近似されていると考えられる。脳の拡散テンソル画像から白質線維束の3次元的構築を再構成することが可能であり、fiber tracking と呼ばれる。拡散テンソル画像とfiber tracking は脳病変において非侵襲的に白質構造の解析を行うことが可能となる。
 最近のマグネットの進化、パラレルイメージング法の進歩により3テスラMRIの臨床応用が可能となってきた。3テスラMRIを用いた拡散テンソル画像は信号雑音比が高いなど1.5テスラと比較して異なる特長を持っている。拡散テンソルのパラメータ(fractional anisotropy: FA,mean diffusivity: MD など)を定量解析するには、これらの違いを考慮する必要がある。定量解析にはROI法が用いられてきたが、ROI描出における主観性を排除するために最近では全脳解析手法が導入されつつある。
 3 テスラMRIを用いたfiber tracking は1.5テスラと比較して線維束の描出が改善すると考えられている。また、拡散テンソル画像を撮影する際の運動検出磁場(MPG)強度(b値)はテンソル計算に影響を与える。拡散テンソル画像の演算、fiber tracking にとって最適なMPG強度(b値)はまだ確立していない。錐体路fiber tracking と皮質下白質刺激による運動誘発電位を組み合わせて脳神経外科手術にfiber tracking は応用され、白質線維束のtracking と電気生理学的手法の結果はある程度一致することが報告されているが誤差もあり、さらに描出方法や精度を改善していく必要がある。

 Diffusion tensor imaging(DTI)can provide the information of directionally dependent(anisotropic)movement of water molecules. Brain white matter shows high diffusion anisotropy, and direction of maximum diffusivity has been shown to coincide with the white matter fiber orientation. DTI of the human brain can be reconstructed to display 3-dimensional macroscopic fiber tract architecture, in a process known as fiber tracking technique. DTI and fiber tracking offer noninvasive tools for studying cerebral white matter pathology.
 With recent advances in 3 T magnets and technical development in parallel imaging technique, 3 T imaging has become practical in clinical settings. DTI using 3 T has different characteristics compared to 1.5 T, including better signal to noise ratio. The differences have to be taken into consideration when quantitative analyses of fractional anisotropy(FA)or mean diffusivity(MD)are performed. ROI analysis was applied for quantitative analysis of DTI, but the results were dependent on subjective ROI manipulation. To overcome this problem, whole brain analysis has been introduced into DTI.
 Fiber tracking in 3 T has supposed to visualize white matter fiber tracts better than 1.5 T. The intensities(b values)of motion probing gradients(MPGs)is an important factor for calculating DTI parameters. The optimal intensities(b values)in MPG for DTI calculation and for fiber tractography are still in argument. Complementary use of corticospinal tract tracking and subcortical motor evoked potential have been applied in neurosurgical operations, and the course of eloquent fiber tracts depicted by fiber tracking was comparable with white matter stimulation during the operation, although errors between the two methods still remains.

Key words
Diffusion tensor imaging, whole brain analysis, number of motion probing gradient, fiber tracking validation, subcortical mapping







佐々木 武仁


Carcinogenic Effect of Radiation Exposure in Diagnostic Imaging.Part I.

Takehito Sasaki

Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Medical and Dental University


 The use of radiation in diagnostic imaging is an accepted part of medical practice since it provides clear benefit to the patient which should far outweigh the small radiation risk. However,recent progress in understanding biological basis for radiation carcinogenesis indicates that even small radiation doses are not entirely without risk and a small fraction of the malignant diseases occurring in the population can be attributed to natural background and man-made radiation. Since diagnostic medical exposure is the major source of radiation exposure of the population, radiologists and referring medical practitioners should be aware of reliable data on the dose-response relation in radiation carcinogenesis and its mechanisms.
 In this review, recent epidemiological data on radiation carcinogenesis in a low dose domain comparable to doses used in diagnostic imaging and underlying biological mechanisms are discussed. Recognition and repair of DNA double-strand break, cell cycle checkpoint and signal transduction mechanisms are also discussed in relation to expression of gene mutation and apoptotic cell death.

Key words
放射線発がん、突然変異、DNA二重鎖切断、組替え修復、細胞周期チェックポイント、γ-H2AX、Radiation carcinogenesis, Mutation, DNA double-strand-break, Recombination repair, Cell cycle checkpoint





断層映像法の基礎 第21回


篠原 広行1)、橋本 雄幸2)

1) 首都大学東京人間健康科学研究科 放射線科学系
2) 横浜創英短期大学 情報学科

 イメージング手段の異なる画像間の位置合わせに臨床で用いられている相互情報量(mutual information)について第20回で解説をした。第21回では、その相互情報量を利用した2次元画像の位置合わせについて解説する。







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