【断層映像研究会雑誌 第35巻 第1号  2008年4月】

 Guest Editor:高橋 健夫(埼玉医科大学総合医療センター 放射線科
・放射線治療における画像診断 幡野 和男、他
肺定位放射線治療における画像の役割 高山 賢二、他
密封小線源治療における画像の役割―image based brachytherapy― 桜井 英幸、他
高精度放射線治療における画像の役割―放射線生物学的視点を加えて―  高橋 健夫、他
放射線治療における画像の役割―医学物理学的視点から―  新保 宗史、他
放射線治療計画における画像の役割➀ 定位放射線治療  山野 貴史、他
放射線治療計画における画像の役割 ➁ トモセラピー 河村 英将、他


 ―回転横断撮影と原体照射から画像誘導放射線治療(IGRT)へ―   田中 良明
・高度進行肝細胞癌症例の予後因子に関する臨床的検討   萬 直哉、他

    連続講座:断層映像法の基礎 第24回 
・ベクトル表現と画像変換 篠原 広行、他






幡野 和男、荒木 仁、酒井 光弘、遠山 尚紀、小玉 卓志、河内 徹、今関 雅晴、清水 孝行、岩瀬 勉、篠塚 稔、石垣 秀世

千葉県がんセンター 放射線治療部

Diagnostic imaging for radiation therapy

Kazuo Hatano, Hitoshi Araki, Mitsuhiro Sakai, Naoki Tohyama, Takashi Kodama, Tohru Kawachi, Masaharu Imazeki, Takayuki Shimizu, Tsutomu Iwase, Minoru Shinozuka, Hideyo Ishigaki

Division of Radiation Oncology, Chiba Cancer Center


 High-precision radiotherapy, such as SRS or IMRT, enables us to deliver better concave dose distribution with acceptable low dose to the organs at risks. These high-precision techniques require accurate tumor volume definition and dose delivery. IGRT, which focuses on the potential benefit of advanced imaging and image registration to improve accuracy, daily target localization and monitoring during treatment, thus reducing treatment related morbidity and allowing the safe delivery to the organs at risks. Functional MRI techniques have been developed. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI(DCE-MRI)can visualize prostate cancer neovascularity. 1H-spectroscopic MRI(MRSI)has been shown to provide a high specificity for prostate cancer. Using PET/CT, we can detect not only more accurate tumor localization but also tumor response after radiation therapy. We radiation oncologists need to have much more cooperation with diagnostic aradiologists for high precision radiation therapy.

Key words
high precision radiation therapy, IGRT, IMRT, PET/CT








高山 賢二、松尾 幸憲、溝脇 尚志、永田 靖、則久 佳毅、中村 光宏、成田 雄一郎、平岡 真寛

京都大学大学院医学研究科 放射線腫瘍学・画像応用治療学

The role of radiological imaging in stereotactic radiotherapy for lung tumor

Kenji Takayama, Yukinori Matsuo, Takashi Mizowaki, Yasushi Nagata,Yoshiki Norihisa, Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Yuichiro Narita, Masahiro Hiraoka

Department of Radiation Oncology and Image Applied Therapy,Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine

 画像は肺定位照射の治療計画から照射の各プロセスにおいて重要な役割を担っている。ターゲット輪郭抽出においては照射法に応じて呼吸停止CTや四次元CT、slow scan CT等が用いられ、呼吸性移動を考慮したターゲットが設定される。ときにPET画像はCTの限界を補い正確なターゲット設定に役立つ。これらPET画像やMRI画像などを治療計画に有効利用する上で、image fusion機能は重要である。その他にも三次元表示機能など治療計画装置に備わった様々な機能を活用することが求められる。照射時においては、定位照射の鍵となるセットアップ精度確保を目的に、治療室内で診断用kV X線画像やCTが用いられるようになり、画像誘導放射線治療(IGRT)と呼ばれる。更に、照射中における呼吸性移動への対応として、透視画像を用いてターゲットを追跡しながら照射する動体追跡照射など、画像を用いた高精度照射法が臨床応用されている。今後も、肺定位照射への画像応用へ向けての研究・開発が益々進められるものと思われる。

 Radiological imaging plays an extremely important role in stereotactic radiotherapy for lung tumor throughout every process from treatment planning to irradiation delivery. Breath-hold CT, 4 dimensional CT or slow scan CT are used in target delineation in accord with delivery methods, in which the targets are defined with respiratory motion taken into account. PET images compensate the limit in CT and thus are useful for accurate target delineation. Image fusion is significantly important for utilizing multimodality images such as PET images and MRI images efficiently in treatment planning. Various functions such as 3D display system which are equipped on radiation treatment planning devices are expected to be more utilized. During irradiation process, diagnostic radiography and CT are used in the treatment room for maintaining setup accuracy, and such kind of radiotherapy is called image-guided radiotherapy(IGRT). Moreover, high-precision radiotherapy using imaging techniques is clinically applied to compensate for respiratory motion during irradiation delivery, including real-time tumor tracking irradiation using fluoroscopic images. Further researches and developments are expected toward clinical application of imaging for stereotactic radiotherapy for lung tumor.

Key words
肺定位照射、ターゲット輪郭抽出、イメージフュージョン、画像誘導放射線治療、stereotactic radiotherapy for lung tumor, target delineation, image fusion, inter-observer variation, IGRT







―image based brachytherapy―

桜井 英幸、中野 隆史

群馬大学 大学院医学系研究科 腫瘍放射線学

Roles of diagnostic imaging for brachytherapy
―image based brachytherapy―

Hideyuki Sakurai, M.D., Takashi Nakano, M.D.

Department of Radiation Oncology, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine

 画像を用いた最近の小線源治療の進歩は、次の3つに要約できる。I:標的ならびにリスク臓器を画像上で描けるため、その形態や容積が直接評価できること。II:小線源治療でもちいるアプリケータの再構成が容易であること。III:線量計算において最適化プログラムが利用できることである。画像をもとにした小線源治療(image-based brachytherapy)の実現には、多くのプロセスが必要となるが、最近の治療計画装置では、その多くが自動化されている。最適な小線源治療の計画と、個々の治療の質の評価のために、将来はこの方法が必須のものになると考えられる。

 Advantages of recently developed image-based brachytherapy are summarized as follows;I:visualization for not only target but organ at risk, and direct evaluation of these anatomical structures and organ volume, II:easy determination of the brachytherapy applicators, III:utilization of optimization programs in dose planning. Many processes are needed for image-based brachytherapy practice, but most of these can be carried out automatically by using treatment planning computer.   In future, image-based brachytherapy is an essential tool for optimized treatment planning and exact evaluation for quality of individual brachytherapy.

Key words
密封小線源治療、画像診断、brachytherapy、RALS、diagnostic imaging








高橋 健夫、新保 宗史、本戸 幹人、西村 敬一郎、山野 貴史

埼玉医科大学総合医療センター 放射線科

The role of imaging in the highly precise radiotherapy
:A radiation biological point of view

Takeo Takahashi, Munefumi Shinbo, Mikito Hondo,Keiichiro Nishimura, Takafumi Yamano

Department of Radiology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University


 Correct image information is important in the treatment planning of radiotherapy. We require correct imaging informations in the identification of gross tumor volume(GTV)and quality assurance of the positioning precision. And not only the anatomical image but also the functional image such as FDG-PET is important in a treatment planning of highly precise radiotherapy. When we are able to diagnose the truly existing range of cancer cells precisely, more highly precise radiotherapy is enabled, and improvement of local control rate is expected. As for the functional imaging, the evaluations of the anoxia environment become important in the radiotherapy as well as the metabolic evaluation of the tumor in future.

Key words
高精度放射線治療、PET、放射線生物学、バイオイメージング、high precision radiotherapy, PET, radiation biology, bio-imaging








新保 宗史、高橋 健夫、本戸 幹人、西村 敬一郎、山野 貴史

埼玉医科大学総合医療センター 放射線科

The role of diagnostic imaging in radiotherapy
:From medical physical point of view

Munefumi Shimbo, Takeo Takahashi, Mikito Hondo, Keiichiro Nishimura, Takafumi Yamano

Department of Radiology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University

 昨今の放射線治療において、断像画像はきわめて有効に用いられている。従来の解剖図や経験に基づいて実施されてきた放射線治療から、画像情報をもとに患者個別の適切な照射方法が選択できるようになり、­オーダーメイド治療が実施できるようになった。また、治療に用いるビームデータを治療計画装置に登録することで、体内線量分布の表示が可能となり、ターゲット(腫瘍病変)、リスク臓器(OAR;Organ at Risk)の線量評価も容易になっており、良好な治療効果が期待される。一方、放射線治療に使用される診断機器は、治療を行うための様々な品質管理が要求される。これらの品質管理を行うことで適正な治療が実施される。高精度放射線治療を実施するために断層画像は不可欠な情報となっている。

 In late years diagnostic images are used for radiotherapy effectively. The radiotherapy has been taken based on two-dimensional imaging informations before. However, we can get three-dimensional CT or MR images easily now, and highly precise radiotherapy is taken based on these three-dimensional informations. Quality assurance and quality control about diagnositic imaging is very important to perform highly precise radiotherapy ,for example, stereotactic radiotherapy and intensity modulated radiotherapy, etc.

Key words








山野 貴史、高橋 健夫、新保 宗史、本戸 幹人、西村 敬一郎、岡田 武倫、長田 久人、本田 憲業

埼玉医科大学総合医療センター 放射線科

The role of diagnostic image in radiotherapy treatment planning➀
Stereotactic radiotherapy

Takafumi Yamano, Takeo Takahashi, Munefumi Shinbo, Mikito Hondo, Keiichiro Nishimura, Takemichi Okada, Hisato Osada, Norinari Honda

Department of Radiology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University

 定位放射線治療(SRT)は脳転移などの頭蓋内の小病変(かつ少数)に対して、局所制御に優れた有効な治療法である。ガンマナイフなどの1回照射で治療を行う定位放射線手術(SRS)に比べ、直線加速器を用いたSRTは分割照射が可能であり有害事象の軽減が可能である。さらに腫瘍性病変に対しては分割照射が放射線生物学的に有利である。SRTは局所に限局した高精度治療であるため、腫瘍形状(GTV;Gross Tumor Volume)の正確な同定は極めて重要である。腫瘍の容積を過小評価すれば辺縁再発に直接結びつく。われわれはMRI用造影剤の倍量投与を行いGTVの確認を行っているが、腫瘍の形状や周辺組織との境界が明瞭となり治療計画において倍量投与は有用であると考えられる。

 Stereotactic radiotherapy(SRT)is effective for intracranial small tumor lesions including brain metastases. In comparison with stereotactic radiosurgery(SRS), as for hypofractionated SRT, the reduction of the adverse effects is enabled. The identification of GTV(Gross Tumor Volume)is extremely important in highly precise radiotherapy. We perform double-dose administration of contrast medium followed by identifying the GTV in MR images. By double-dose administration, the shape of the tumor and the border with normal tissue became clear. Therefore, we think double-dose administration of gadoteridol is very useful for treatment planning of highly precise SRT.

Key words
定位放射線治療、MRI造影剤、ガドテリドール、倍量投与、MRI、stereotactic radiotherapy、double-dose administration、gadoteridol、MRI







放射線治療計画における画像の役割 ➁

河村 英将1,2)、桜井 英幸2)、岡本 雅彦2)、江原 威2)、入江 幹生1)、萩原 稔1)、武田 悟1)、伊藤 晴夫1)、須田 悟志1)、安藤 義孝1)、中野 隆史2)

1)日高病院 腫瘍センター
2)群馬大学 大学院医学系研究科 腫瘍放射線学

The role of diagnostic image in radiotherapy treatment planning➁ 

Hidemasa Kawamura1,2), Hideyuki Sakurai2), Masahiko Okamoto2), Takeshi Ebara2),Mikio Irie1), Minoru Hagiwara1), Satoru Takeda1), Haruo Ito1), Satoshi Suda1),Yoshitaka Ando1), Takashi Nakano2)

1)Radiation Therapy Section, Tumor Center, Hidaka Hospital
2)Department of Radiation Oncology, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine


 TomoTherapy is a radiation therapy device built into the CT equipment. It enables to perform not only image-guided radiation therapy with megavoltage CT but also intensity-modulated radiation therapy by dynamic combination of gantry rotation, multi leaf collimators and couch sliding. TomoTherapy is a unique approach to link imaging modality with radiation therapy.

Key words
トモセラピー、画像誘導放射線治療、強度変調放射線治療、TomoTherapy、Image-guided radiation therapy、Intensity-modulated radiation therapy、Adaptive radiation therapy







田中 良明


The Role of Tomography in Radiation Therapy:Overview from Axial Transverse Tomography and Conformation Radiotherapy through Image-guided Radiotherapy(IGRT)

Yoshiaki TANAKA

Institute of General Science, Nihon University

 Axial transverse tomography has been developed to obtain internal organs and lesions with abnormally pathological findings to be visualized on various techniques of rotation tomograms by Prof. S. Takahashi.  On its pathway, conformation radiotherapy has been introduced and applied to clinical use for emerging high radiation dose to the target volume and sparing excess dose to critical organs. Many recent advances in the computed technology of radiotherapy have greatly increased the amount of image data that must be obtained with three or four dimensional viewing. With the increasing use of multimodality imaging for target definition in treatment planning and image guidance in treatment delivery, the importance of image registration emerges as key to improving the radiotherapy planning and delivery process on each step.  Image registration at treatment delivery can improve the accuracy of therapy by taking greater advantage of images available prior to treatment. This article presents the historical reviewing of clinical application of axial transverse tomography and computed tomography onto conformation radiotherapy, and makes discussion on precision radiotherapy such as intensity modulated radiotherapy using image-guided procedures.  Concept of biological gross tumor volume(GTV)will be used more practically on radiotherapy treatment planning instead of anatomical GTV and clinical effects of radiotherapy might be evaluated using functional imaging such as FDG-PET with fusion technique of imaging of actually delivered dose onto human body.

Key words
回転横断撮影、原体照射、線巣横断撮影、コンピュータ断層撮影(CT)、FDG-PET、放射線治療計画、画像誘導放射線治療、Axial transverse tomography, Conformation radiotherapy, Beam focus radiography, Computed tomography(CT), FDG-PET, Radiotherapy treatment planning, Image-guided radiotherapy(IGRT)







萬 直哉 1)、成田 賢一 2)

1)富士市立中央病院 放射線科(現:東京都保健医療公社 荏原病院 放射線科)

Clinical Analysis of Factors Influencing Transcatheter Therapy for Highly Advanced Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Naoya Yorozu 1), Kenichi Narita 2)

1)Department of Radiology, Fuji-City General Hospital
(Department of Radiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Health and Medical Treatment Corporation Ebara Hospital)
2)Department of Radiology, The Jikei University School of Medicine


Purpose:To identify risk factors influencing transcatheter therapy in cases with highly advanced unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma in stage IV-A and stage IV-B and in cases with spontaneous rupture of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Materials and Methods:From April 1997 through September 2003, 85 patients with stage IV-A and stage IV-B hepatocellular carcinoma and with ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma were treated by transcatheter therapy. Subjects consisted of 63 patients with stage IV-A, 5 patients with stage IV-B, and 15 patients with ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma, in which emergency transcatheter therapy was performed. Transcatheter arterial embolization(TAE)was performed in 59 patients. Transcatheter arterial infusion(TAI: Chemolipiodolization/Reservoir therapy)was performed in 26 patients.
Results:The overall survival rates at 1, 2, and 3 years were 52.1%, 29.2%, and 18.1%, respectively. Univariate analysis revealed that patient's age, Child's classification, platelet count, serum α-fetoprotein(AFP)values, tumor types, portal vein invasion, and treatment methods were significant factors for the prediction of the prognosis after transcatheter therapy. Multivariate analysis revealed Child's classification, platelet count, portal vein invasion, and AFP values were significant prognostic factors. Between the patients who died in 6 months and the patients who survived over 6 months, univariate analysis showed that platelet count, tumor types, portal vein invasion, AFP values, and treatment methods were significant prognostic factors. In multivariate analysis, no prognostic factors were revealed significantly, however, platelet count, tumor types, and portal vein invasion were marginally significant prognostic factors.
Conclusion:Portal vein invasion, Child's classification B or C, massive type, high AFP values, and platelet count >15.0×104/mm3 were risk factors not anticipating improvement of prognosis after transcatheter therapy in patients with highly advanced unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. Spontaneous rupture of hepatocellular carcinoma was not significant risk and prognostic factor compared with stage IV-A or stage IV-B hepatocellular carcinomas.

Key words
Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Portal Vein Invasion, Serum α-fetoprotein,Transcatheter Arterial Embolization





断層映像法の基礎 第24回


篠原 広行1)、伊藤 猛1)、今井 貴裕1)、伊藤 賢司1)、橋本 雄幸2)

1)首都大学東京人間健康科学研究科 放射線科学系
2)横浜創英短期大学 情報学科



 1-1 平行移動
 1-2 回転移動
 1-3 平行移動と回転移動の組み合わせ
 2-1 拡大と縮小
 2-2 平行、回転移動との組み合わせ




copyright(c)Japanese Association of Tomography.all rights reserved